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Using the Contact us button you may send a message indicating your preference for a maximum of five Eucalyptus Online Book chapters or issues to be covered by the Eucalyptus Newsletter. They may be written with priority, depending on the number of requests on the specific subject. In case you prefer, use the numbers according to the available list in the button Online Book/ Next Chapters

Facilitating organizations:


IBA – Industria Brasileira de Arvores
IPEF – Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais
RIADICYP – Red IberoAmericana de Docencia e Investigacion en Celulosa, Papel y Productos Lignocelulosicos

Non-financial supporting partners:

TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry - USA

SIF - Sociedade de Investigacoes Florestais - Brazil

CeluloseOnline - Brazil

TECNICELPA - Associacao Portuguesa dos Tecnicos das Industrias de Celulose e Papel - Portugal

ATCP Chile - Asociacion Tecnica de la Celulosa y el Papel - Chile

TAPPSA - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry of Southern Africa - South Africa

SBS - Sociedade Brasileira de Silvicultura - Brazil

AGEFLOR - Associacao Gaucha de Empresas Florestais - Brazil

APRE - Associacao Paranaense de Empresas de Base Florestal - Brazil

ACR - Associacao Catarinense de Empresas Florestais - Brazil

ASBR - Associacao Sul Brasileira de Empresas Florestais - Brazil

Embrapa Florestas - Brazil


Revista O Papel - Brazil

Revista O Papel Digital - Brazil

ABTCP Pulp & Paper Directory - Brazil

Mais Floresta - Brazil

Two Sides - Brazil